The Best Astrologer in Kolkata Explains the Reason Behind Concentration Levels

Astrology December 7th, 2023

The Best Astrologer in Kolkata Explains the Reason Behind Concentration Levels

Concentration is one of the most essential things required to be successful. It doesn’t matter whether you are studying or doing a job. It would be best if you did that with total concentration to succeed. Regarding astrology, the planets mainly responsible for engagement in human beings are Rahu, Ketu, Moon, and Mercury.


As per the opinion of some of the best astrologers in Kolkata, the 5th house is mainly responsible for mind control. If the malefic behavior of planets like Ketu is present in the 5th house, it will cause concentration-related problems for that individual.


Some persons’ concentration loss can also occur if the 5th house’s lord is posited in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses of an individual’s birth chart.


Apart from the problems mentioned above for birth charts, there are also a few more problems, like the non-positive impact of Saturn and the Moon. The mix of planets like Saturn-Moon can cause negative energy or “Vish Yog” – also called “Shani Vish Yog” by some astrologers in Kolkata. Sometimes, “Grahan Dosh” can cause such problems – in conjunction with Rahu and Moon. 


Likewise, if the individual’s Mercury retrogrades ascendant or the ‘Lagna’ is placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, it will immensely negatively affect the individual’s life. Those variables can cause less mindfulness while perusing, frail memory, senseless missteps, etc., which inevitably prompts genuine focus issues. 


It is conceivable to forestall the damages caused by the fixation issue. First, we need to discover the specific situation of Rahu, Ketu, Moon, Mercury, and Saturn in our introduction to the world graph, as those are the planets liable for our focus. 


We must then choose which planets are malefic and liable for fixation issues. When you recognize the central point, you can treat them like this. If the fixation issue is settled, the individual’s education and professional life will be progressively prosperous and thriving. Consult Astrologer Somasree (Awarded the best astrologer in Behala) to nullify planets’ malefic effects and progress towards a successful life. 

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